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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Introducing my passion for martial arts

Welcome to you dear visitor ! 

My name is Massinissa, a young 21 years old guy who loves martial arts.
In fact, I began learning Judo when I was 8, then I changed for Muay Thai and Kick Boxing
I was lucky, because my teacher in Algeria was also practicing Ki Shin Tai Jutsu, that is a martial art created by a french master named Roland Boudé. 
Ki Shin Tai Jutsu, that literraly means "Energy Spirit Body Technic", is a complete sport mainly based on Aikido, Judo and Ju-Jutsu. I will write an article about that next time.

As you see, I practised different kind of fighting sports and each of them was really worthy. I learned how to fight, how to defend my self against bad guys in the streets, but the most important lesson I had is how to be a better person. Physicaly and mentally. Martial arts is a way that leads to self achievement.

Do I have any Idol ? Yes: Bruce Lee. 
I like a great number of martial artists but only Bruce Lee is my idol because of his philosophy. 
One day I saw a wonderful documentary about him, and my life changed totally. I discovered how the independace of mind is important for a human. The great thing Bruce thought is that there is no style of fighting. He didn't believe on style, because for him, as humans, we all have two legs and two arms so when we fight we all use technics that are finally similar.
His objective was efficiency, and just efficiency. This is how he created his own martial art named Jeet Kune Do, "the way of the intercepting fist". Jeet Kune Do is not based on several technics you have to repeat evryday like Karate. The principle is hitting fast, with power, after the opponent attacks.

Bruce was passionated by asian philosophies, and had been gratuated in America. He was inspired by Jiddu Krishnamurti, Daisetz Suzuki and also the legendary Lao Tseu.

Let me finish with one of the most inspiring quote of Bruce Lee : "Using no way as way, and no limitation as limitation". 

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